What Are the Costs to Install a Draught System?

Installing a Draught System

Importance of having a Draught System

A robust draught system is a key feature of any modern bar, cafe, or even upscale nightclub. Customers flock to bars that have awesome tap systems for the deliciously rich, full-bodied draft beers they produce.

Bar owners, on the other hand, love them because of the higher profit margins they provide.

In fact, many establishments now use draught systems to offer other kinds of drinks like cocktails, wine, and even coffee. By expanding their beverage options, businesses can attract more clients and increase their sales. It’s no surprise, then, that sales of draft beer systems are on the rise across the country. Therefore, if you want to remain competitive, installing a professional-grade draught system for your business is crucial for success.

beer tower installed
Installing a Draught System

Installing a Draught System to Grow Your Business

There’s something reassuring about walking into a cafe or bar with a professionally installed draft beer system. For starters, it conveys a message of credibility and professionalism for the business.

beer tower installed

For clients, it means they’re about to indulge in some tasty, high-quality beverages.

As a business owner, you want to make sure that each investment you make provides a decent return on your money. Knowing about draught system costs and what the process of installation entails is essential. With so many options in the market, finding the right system that won’t derail your budget can be difficult. As draught system installation professionals, we can help you overcome your decision paralysis and find the ideal draught system cost.

Draught Systems

Understanding the Types of Draught Systems

A professional grade installation of a draught system goes well beyond simply attaching a tube to a pump and turning on the tap. Furthermore, making sure that the draft lines are properly maintained is crucial to ensuring your draft beers taste fresh. You can’t develop this kind of technical knowledge by reading an instruction booklet. With more than 20 years in the business of installing and repairing draft beer systems, our quality standards are second to none.

There are several main types of beer systems that businesses may choose according to their needs. The main draught systems include: Kegerator, Direct Draw, and Long Draw. Let’s look at what these systems are and their approximate costs to install.

6-Tap Air-Cooled Systems with Kegerators

A kegerator is generally viewed as an entry-level equipment which is ideal for the most basic functions. The cost to install is minimal, running at about USD $2,800, which is perfect for your local neighborhood bar. These units usually include dispense tower, drip tray, couplers and regulators.

Other models with greater capacities can cost you well over USD $5,000.

As ideal as the price may be, kegerators tend to take up a fair amount of space, about 5 feet of back bar space to be precise. Instead of using the standard half-barrels, bar operators often use smaller kegs. However, this means they’ll need to be changed more frequently. You can keep your backup kegs in separate walk-in coolers For basic operations that require minimal alcohol output, you simply can’t go wrong with the kegerator.

Direct Draw vs Long Run Draught Systems

Direct Draw Systems:

Direct draw systems are also known as beer walls, as they can only be used if your taps are on the same wall as your walk-in cooler. They are self-contained keg beer storage and dispensing systems that use cold air to keep the beer tower cool. They are especially ideal if you are serving craft beers as they are offered in 1/6 keg containers. This makes the process of changing brands a lot quicker. Direct draw systems have a short setup time and the dispensers fit directly underneath the bar or even back bar. Seer is drawn directly from the refrigerated keg container below, there is little risk of complications.

Each faucet for a direct draw system is priced at approximately USD $1,000. Therefore, if you are going to need about 16 faucets, the price could range between USD $16,000 and USD $20,000 including installation.

Long Run Systems:

Long run draft systems are the most commonly used options. The kegs are kept away from the bar and require a glycol system to keep the beer cool throughout its path to the tap.

These 12-tap systems are generally priced at USD $4,000 and can go up to as much as USD $12,000 for more premium models. Each beer line will cost approximately USD $1,000.

The prices will largely depend on the setup you will need at your bar and how long the run requirement will be.

Draught Systems
  • Glycol Cooling System ($1,000-$5,000)

    Glycol cooling systems are effective at keeping your beer cold and fresh. In fact, they were better than air-cooling systems especially if you are using a long run. This makes them ideal foe use with direct draw systems.

    The pricing on these chillers start at USD $1,000 but can go up to USD $5,000 depending on how long the lines you need run.

  • Foam on Beer Prevention

    Foam on Beer (FOB) systems help prevent beer waste when you change the taps. They can be a valuable addition to your system which can help prevent foam from filling up the line.

    You can find about 3 or 4 models in the market with prices in the range of USD $50 - $100, plus installation costs.

  • Line Pressure Regulators ($50-60/each)

    Line pressure regulators are a great way to improve the performance of your system and to mitigate the risk of your beer foaming. Each unit can cost USD $50 - $60 and will enable you to adjust each line individually.

Brewskis Beverage Service Team

Professional Draft Beer System Installers

Whether we installed your draught system or not, we have the expertise and resources to help get your business up and running. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we have earned a reputation as a leader in draft beer installs. Treating your draft beer system as an afterthought is one of the biggest, yet most common mistakes you can make. Draft beverages offer business owners one of the most lucrative opportunities even in challenging economic times.

Get in touch with Brewskis Beverage today so we can provide you with the highest quality draught system in the area.

Brewskis Beverage Service


Brewskis Beverage Service

Brewskis Beverage is a draft beer service company that specializes in draft system repair, installation, and custom beer tower design.


Need Help with Draft Beer System Repair & Installation?

If you're in need of a draft beer system, be sure to check out Brewskis Beverage. We offer a wide selection of direct-draw beer systems that are perfect for any business. We also offer repair and installation services, so you can be sure your system is always up and running. Contact us today to learn more!

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